Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights
Scientists associate the phenomena with unusual sun-spot activity, and astronomers are working on the theory that the sun-spot cycles, generally recognized as having some connection with economic trends, are the result of planetary movements. The most brilliant display of the Aurora Borealis in fifty years occurred on January 25, 1938. Transatlantic radio was interrupted and crowds in Holland, awaiting the birth of Princess Juliana’s baby, cheered the display as a lucky omen for the little Princess Beatrix, who was born January 31, 1938, with 15° Aries on the Asc., and 6° Capricorn on the M.C. At this time Venus and the Sun were forming conjunctions with Jupiter, and Mars was forming a conjunction with Saturn.
DeVore, Nicholas. Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: Philosophical Library, 1947.