
  • Applying, Retrograde

    When the applying body is in retrograde motion. (v. Motion.) Some authorities have used the term 'approach' as synonymous with 'apply'. The faster-moving body is said to be applying to an aspect of the slower-moving one. Precision in this regard might indcate, for example, that Saturn in direct motion could be applying to an aspect of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto only. Aspects are more powerful when forming than when separating. If either planet be retrograde, the influence is said to be injurious, or the promised result so subject to delay that it is of little value when it materializes.

  • Application

    n. Applying to; to apply. Said of a body in motion toward a point whence it will aspect another body. (v. Aspect.). 

  • Active Influence

    That which results from an aspect between two or more astrological factors or sensitive points, thereby producing the action that can materialize in an event.

  • Afflicted

    (Afflicted by / in affliction with): Unfavorably aspected. Loosely applied to: (a) any inharmonious aspect to a planet, or (b) to any aspect, particularly the conjunction, parallel, square or opposition, to a malefic planet. Also by some authorities applied to a mundane or zodiacal parallel with, or when, besieged by both Infortunes (q.v.). Some authorities consider that the sensitive degree on any House cusp can be afflicted, though any such consideration must be confined to instances where the birth-moment is known to a certainty.

  • Affinity

    A binding by mutual attraction. The Sun is said to have an affinity with all the planets; Mars with Venus, in a magnetic or physical sense; Venus with Jupiter, in a philanthropic sense as one who loves his fellowman; Venus with Mercury, in an artistic sense.


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