Delineation, Stargazer Podcast
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Astrology Synastry: Why This Relationship Wasn’t Going to Work
Background Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck dated over 20 years ago and they were engaged until Ben left her at the altar and married Jennifer Garner shortly thereafter, which would […]
Said of a planet posited in certain weak or lame degrees or arc which, if ascending at birth, were supposed to make the native blind, or lame, or otherwise physically afllicted.
Delineation, Glossary, Philosophy
The science which treats of the influence upon human character of cosmic forces emanating from celestial bodies. It has been spoken of as the soul of astronomy. Its antiquity places it among the earliest records of human learning. To these ancient astrologers we owe the modern Science of Astronomy. According to Hindu lore Astrology reached its zenith some two hundred thousand years ago, and is presumed to have been first taught by the Manu who had charge of the fourth rootrace. In ancient times it enjoyed general acceptance, and was practiced by the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Arabs. It flourished in Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries. It is charged that the Spanish Inquisition was a cloak to disguise a secret purpose to stamp out Astrology. It was once termed Astromancy - divination by the stars. Geocentric vs. Heliocentric Astrology. As practised by various authorities in various countries there are two fundamentally different methods, or approaches, to Astrology: the Geocentric and the Heliocentric. Geocentric Astrology is based upon calculations of the planetary positions as seen by the observer on the Earth, i.e, using the Earth as a center. Heliocentric Astrology bases its interpretations upon positions within the solar system with reference to the Sun as the center. While it is true that the Sun is the center, the effect of the motion as manifest on the Earth is the basis of most astrological interpretation. Therefore the vast majority of astrologers employ the geocentric calculations of the planets' positions. However, these terms are used by many astrologers in a different sense, i.e., heliocentric when considering changes of position by virtue of the body's motion in orbit, and geocentric when considering changes of position with reference to the observer, by reason of the observer's personal orbit around the Earth -- the revolution of the periphery of the Earth around the Earth's center. Thus considered the Signs are heliocentric divisions, or Heliarcs, while the Houses are geocentric divisions, or Geoarcs. There are several distinct branches of Astrology: Natal, or Genethliacal: having to do with the birth figure and the subsequent transits of the bodies and their Progressed, or average net progress. v. Directions, Progressions. Horary: fundamentally a Figure cast for the birth-moment of an idea, a question, or an event. Practitioners of this branch of Astrology usually take the moment when the question is propounded. Electional: an application of Horary art whereby to choose the most propitious moment for initiating a new enterprise, or commencing a journey, etc. Mundane, also termed Judicial Astrology: a consideration of the current positions of the planets with respect to their influence upon entire populations, or portions thereof, by countries, cities or localities, at Ingresses, eclipses, ordinary Lunations and Full Moons, and major transits or conjunctions. Medical: the application of the science to questions of health, chiefly as a diagnostic aid when confronted with baffling symptoms of disease and obscure ailments. Meteorological, also known as Astro-Meteorology: the application of the science to the forecasting of weather conditions, earthquakes and severe storms. Agricultural: an application of Astrology to the planting and the harvesting of crops.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
A chronological list of all aspects formed during a specified period. Most astrology magazines acrry an Aspectarian for the concurrent month; and one for the year is now usually appended to the Ephemeris.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Inconjunct, Dissociate
These are terms sometimes applied to the Semisextile and the Quincunx aspects, as indicative that no relationship can exist between adjacent signs and houses, or between those which are one sign or house less than an opposition.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Sesquiquadrate (135°)
Inversion of a Semi-square, and deemed equally unfortunate but less powerful.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Aspects, Benefic
The aspects based on 3 are said to be benefic in their influence, though much depends upon the character of the planets involved. The Trine joins harmonious signs; the Sextile, those reasonably congenial. ____________ The benefic aspects were the Trine and Sextile. The conjunction is generally classed as a benefic aspect. In them the relationship is harmonious, between congenial signs, even though the influences related are often inharmonious -- because of the intrinsic nature of the rays so combined. They are deemed conducive of harmony, in that cosmic energy is released without obstruction.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Aspects, Malefic
Those based on 2, combine signs that are less congenial, and operate generally at cross-purposes, hence are termed malefic. Modern astrologers tend to refer malefic aspects between harmonious planets, to benefic aspects between malefic planets - but this enters into the realm of interpretation where mathematics yields to psychology. A plent thus aspected, particularly if by a malefic planet, is said to be afflicted. _____ The malefic aspects were the square and semisquare. The opposition is generally classed as malefic, even though it combines signs that are moderately congenial. These are generally deemed conducive of friction, in that two opposing forces challenge the individual's capacity for adjustment.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Strength of aspects
The relative strength of aspects is a debatable factor, for so much depends on the intrinsic character of the rays. If you consider the rays as energy, each altered in character by virtue of the sign position of the planet from which it is emitted, the aspect determines the direction of the influence upon you as an individual. It is in the synthesis of qualitative, quantitative and directional factors that the practice of Astrology becomes both an art and a science. The relative strength of aspects is a debatable factor, for so much depends on the intrinsic character of the rays. If you consider the rays as energy, each altered in character by virtue of the sign position of the planet from which it is emitted, the aspect determines the direction of the influence upon you as an individual. It is in the synthesis of qualitative, quantitative and directional factors that the practice of Astrology becomes both an art and a science.
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