The first sign of the zodiac. The ram. It is mentioned by Aratus, in the third century B.C. According to Grecian mythology Nephele, mother of Phrixus and Helle, gave her son a ram with a golden fleece. To escape the evil designs of their stepmother, Hera, Phrixus and Helle mounted the ram and fled. As they reached the sea and attempted to cross, Helle fell into the water and perished - hence, the Hellespont. Arriving in Colchis, Phrixus was received by the King, Aeetes, who sacrificed the ram to Zeus, to whom he dedicated the fleece - later carried away by Jason. Zeus translated the ram into the heavens as a constellation. _____ The Ram. The first sign of the zodiac. Its symbol represents the head and horns of the ram. It is a symbol of offensive power - a weapon of the gods, hence an implement of the will. The Babylonians sacrificed rams during the period when the Sun occupied this sign, which occurs annually from March 21 to April 20. Astrologically and astronomically it is the first thirty-degree arc beginning at the point of the Spring Equinox. It is the Leading quality of the Fire element: positive, diurnal, movable, dry, hot, fiery, choleric and violent. Ruler: Mars. Exaltation: Sun. Detriment: Venus. Fall: Saturn. _____ Symbolic interpretation: Sprouting seed; fire in eruption; a fountain of water; a ram's horns.Aries is the embodiment of Self, the will to manifest, the adventurous spirit; desire, initiative and courage. ______ First Decan: activity, adventure, zeal, notoriety, dishonor, misfortune. Second Decan: noble affections as the source of power to sway others - the head joined to the impulses of the heart. It is the decan of Exaltation, in that the Sun is exalted in the nineteenth degree of the Sign. Third Decan: Propaganda, the spiritual possibilities of the valiant heart at grips with sordid conditions. _____ Vetius Valens Aries is the house of Mars, a masculine sign, tropic, terrestrial, governing, fiery, free, upward-trending, semi-vocal, noble, changeable, procuratorial, public, civic, with few offspring, servile, the Midheaven of the universe and the cause of rank, two-toned (since the sun and the moon make white lichen). It is also unaspected and ecliptic. Depending on its relationship with the houseruler, men born under this sign will be brilliant, distinguished, authoritarian, just, hard on offenders, free, governing, bold in thought, boastful, great-hearted, restless, unstable, haughty, inflated, intimidating, /6K/ quickly changing, wealthy. When the houserulers are favorably situated and have benefics in aspect, kings and powerful men are born, those having the say over life and death. /6P/ Aries is by nature watery, with thunder and hail. From its first degree to the equinox, it is stormy, full of hail, windy, destructive. The middle degrees up to 15° are mild of animals. This sign has 19 bright stars. On the belt are 14 bright stars, 27 dim, 28 somewhat bright, and 48 faint. The constellations that rise at the same time as Aries are (in the north) the first part of Perseus, and the rear and the left parts of Auriga, and (in the south) the fin and tail of Cetus. the feet of Bootes (in the north) and the hind parts of Lupus (in the south) are setting. The following zones are subject to Aries: to the front parts, Babylon; to the head, Elymais; to the right side, Persis; to the left, Palestine and the neighboring areas; to the turn of its head, Babylonia; to its breast, Armenia; to its shoulders, Thrace; to its belly, Cappadocia, Susa, the Red Sea and the Dead Sea; to its hind parts, Egypt and the Indian Ocean. ___________ 0°.....A positive nature that creates its own destiny. Cusp of First Lunar Mansion, a so-called Critical Degree. 1°.....Degree of the Surgeon; an organizer. 1°14', 20° 48'S (2) Diphda, Beta Ceti. A yellow star in the Whale's Tail. (Saturn - Mercury Mars) Sickness, misfortune, compulsory changes, self-destruction by brute force. 1° 50'.Mars-Jupiter conj.: January 6, 1940. 2°.....Degree of abscesses; literary and poetic. 3°.....Birds and aviators; collisions; goitre. 4°.....Cruelty. 5°.....Unsatisfied ambitions. 6°.....Jaundice. 7°.....Degree of life and death 7°51', 12° 36'N (3) Algenib. Gamma Pegasi. A white star at the top of the wing of Pegasus. (Mars Mercury)Notoriety, violence, the professional beggar. 8°.....Degree of courage; immorality. 9°.....Triumph; great generals 10°....Spiritual triumph; scientific interests; a degree of electricity. 11°....Spiritual intuitions. 12°....Cusp of Second Lunar Mansion. 13°....Degree of the Physician; of food and drink. 13°24' 25° 41'N (2) Alpheratz, alpha Andromedae. A double star, purple-hued white, in the hair of Andromeda; often called Andromeda's head. Its name, from Al Surrat al Faras, or The Horse's Navel, indicates it was formerly listed in the constellation Pegasus. (Jupiter Venus - Mars) Riches, horrors, independence and a keen intellect. 14°....Degree of apoplexy or suicide. 15°....Persuasive oratory; public life. 16°....Children. 17°....Oratory. 18°....Mental fertility and physical passionateness. 19°....Exaltation of Sun: Fall of Saturn; a Fortunate Degree. 20°....Abscesses; accidents; electricity. 20°50' 20° 20'S (3 1/2) Baten Kaitos, Zeta Ceti, the Whale's Belly. A topaz-yellow star. (Saturn) Enforced migration, accidents; shipwreck, with rescue. 21°....Hope; artistic. 22°....Music. 23°....Philosophy. 24°....Literature; travel. 25°....Cusp of Third Lunar Mansion; exploration and discovery. 25°42' 5° 22' N (4) Al Pharg, Eta Piscium, associated with the Greck Head of Typhon. A double star near the tail of the Northern Fish. (Saturn Jupiter) Determination, preparedness, and eventual success. 26°....Degree of tuberculosis of the lungs; of opposition and strife; militant leaders. Great soldiers are found on this Aries- Libra axis. 26°15'.Mars-Saturn conj.: February 11, 1940. 26°43' 33° 21'N (Neb.) Vertex, 31m Andromedae, the great nebula N. of Andromeda's head. (Mars Moon) Eye weakness or blindness, violent death. 27°....Tenacity of purpose; hair; Mars in this degree indicates red hair. 28°....Power to realize a lofty ideal. 29°....A prophet of a new order. 29°17' 25° 56'N (2) Mirach, Beta Andromedae. A yellow star in the Zona (girdle) of Andromeda. (Venus - Mars Moon) Beauty, love of home, brilliant mind, fortunate marriage, renowned for benevolence. ______ Cardinal Fire
Astronomy, Delineation, Glossary
Arabian Points, or Parts
Of the so-called Arabian Points, Fortuna, or the Part of Fortune, is the best known to modern astrologers, although its full significance is not generally realized. These Points tend to show that the Arabians understood the value of the Solar Houses -- those based upon the Sun's degree as the Ascendant, thence erecting twelve Houses consisting of successive thirty degree arcs. If any Figure be revolved to the point where the Sun's degree is on the Ascendant the Moon's position will coincide with the geocentric House position of Fortune; Mercury to the Point of Commerce; Venus to the Point of Love; and so on. Instead of revolving the Figure the Arabians gave rules whereby these planetary House-positions could be inserted in a Figure based on a birth-moment. Thus the Scheme showed each planet in two House-positions: one based on its relation to a rising degree, the other on its relation to the Sun itself. Naturally the rules for computing these locations infer a knowledge of the correct birth-moment. However, it is incorrect to assume that these points cannot be utilized when the birth-moment is unknown. On the contrary, a Figure erected with Aries 0° as an Ascendant can be more comprehensively interpreted by the use of most of the Arabian Points than in perhaps any other way. The so-called Solar Equilibrium system is entirely based upon the Arabian concepts.
Astronomy, Delineation, Glossary
The Water Bearer. The eleventh sign of the zodiac. Its symbol represents a stream of water, symbolizing the servant of humanity who pours out the water of knowledge to quench the thirst of the world. The Sun is in Aquarius annually from January 21 to February 20. Astrologically and astronomically it is the second thirtydegree arc following the Sun's passing of the Winter Solstice, occupying a position along the Ecliptic from 300° to 330°. It is the Fixed quality of the Air element, in which the will is largely motivated by reasoning processes - whether sound or unsound. It is positive, hot, moist, sanguine, rational and obeying. Ruler: Saturn; or by some moderns: Uranus. Exaltation: Mercury. Detriment: Sun. ____ Symbolic interpretation: Waves, of water, or the vibrationary waves of electricity; parallel lines of force. ________ First Decan: Originality, remarkable knowledge of human nature; progressive tendencies; ever in pursuit of this own ideas; ability to handle people; to impart to others his enthusiasm for advanced ideas and methods. Second Decan: Inspiration, ability to gain ideas from the invisible; imaginative power; dramatic, convincing. Third Decan: Repression, reaches highest expression through association with opposite sex; must work with and for others. _____ The humanitarian principle coordinating spirit and matter, that prompts all acts of unselfish love; that secs, feels, and acts for others as though all were one Self. _____ Thaddeus-Jude, who considered the lot of the peasant, and sought to better the living and working conditions of the masses; and who interrogated Jesus at the Last Supper as to how he would manifest himself Fixed air; ruled by Saturn and Aquarius. Loyalty, Serving Cities: :Bremen, Hamburg, Ingoldstadt, Salsburg, Trent. Biblical Matthew: To Know One of the 3 Human Signs One of the 3 Sweet Signs One of the "Perfect/Whole" Signs _________ Vettius, Valens Aquarius is the celestial sign which is masculine, solid, anthropomorphic, somewhat damp, single. It is mute, quite cold, /12K/ free, upward-trending, feminizing, unchanging, base, with few offspring, the cause of troubles arising from athletic training, carrying burdens, or work in hard materials, an artisan, public. Men born under this sign are malicious, haters of their own families, incorrigible, self-willed, deceitful, tricky, concealing everything, misanthropic, godless, accusers, betrayers of reputations and the truth, envious, petty, occasionally generous (because of flow of water), uncontrollable. As a whole this sign is wet. By part it is as follows: the first parts are wet, the upper parts fiery, the lower worthless and useless. It has …stars. According to the Sphaerica the right parts of Andromeda rise in the north with Aquarius, as well as the rest of Pegasus; in the south, the southern one of the Fish, except for the head. Juno, Hercules, Vulcan, Saturn. /12P/ In the north nothing sets. In the south the rest of Centaurus and of Hydra (up to Corvus) set . This sign lies toward the west wind. In addition it faces toward the zone of Egypt and the surrounding cities, i.e. from Egypt’s southern parts up to Pselchos, Dodecaschoinos, and Sykaminos; from its western parts to the oasis of Ammon and the surrounding cities; from its eastern part to the Red Sea which touches Egypt; and from its northern parts to Sebennytos and the Heracleotic mouth of the Nile. According to the Sphaerica, Eridanus and the Great Fish lie next to Aquarius in the south, touching the tail of Capricorn. In the north, around the north pole, is the so–called Cygnus, above which is Sagitta, where the Bear (called Cynosura) looks to the north. The following zones are subject to Aquarius: to the front parts, Syria; to the middle, the Euphrates and Tigris, Egypt, Libya, the interconnected Egyptian rivers, and the Indus. Under the middle of the Water Jug are the Tanais and the rest of the rivers which flow from the Hyperboreans to the north and west. /13K/ __________ 0°.....Homicide (0° - 5°). 0°9' 48°59'N (3) Albirco, Beta Cygni. (Venus Mercury) Beauty; a lovable disposition; resigned to Fate. 0°39' 29°18'N (1) Altair, Alpha Aquilae. (Mars Jupiter - Uranus Mercury sextile Sun) Bold, confident, unyielding, liberal, valiant; sudden, but ephemeral wealth; a position of command; danger from reptiles. 2°42' 6°58'N (4) Giedi, Alpha Capricorni; a multiple star, yellow, ash, lilac. (Venus Mars - Venus sextile Uranus - Venus Mercury) Beneficences; sacrifices; brings strange events into one's life. 2°56' 4°36'N (3) Dabih, Beta Capricorni. (Saturn Venus - Saturn Uranus Gemini Mercury) Suspicion and mistrust; success, but retirement under a cloud. 3°36' 0°54'N (5) Oculus, Pi Capricorni. (Saturn Venus) If conj. Mercury: a clever and penetrating mind. 4°3' 1°12'N (5) Bos, Rho Capricorni. (Saturn Venus) Similar to Oculus. 5°.....Solar Eclipse: January 26, 1944. 8°.....Cusp of Twenty-fifth Lunar Mansion. 9°.....Executive; presidential. 10°....The principle of things. 11°10'.Neptune South Node. 11°37' 2°59'S (5) Armus, Eta Capricorni. (Mars Mercury) Contemptible, nagging, contentious, unstable. 12°....If Mars afflicted here: assassination. 12°43' 0°36'S (5) Dorsum, Theta Capricorni. (Saturn Jupiter) Bites from venomous creatures. 13°....Degree of beauty; literature. 15°0'..The Center of Humanity, the angel point. Solar eclipse, February 5, 1943. 17°....State of air and gases. 18°....Explosiveness. 19°....The back. 19°5' 4°58'S (5) Castra, Epsilon Capricorni. (Saturn Jupiter) Bad reputation; uncontrollable temper. 20°....Cusp of Twenty-Sixth Lunar Mansion; a degree of Faith. 20°40' 2°33'S (4) Nashira, Gamma Capricorni. (Saturn Jupiter) Danger from beasts; conflict with evil, but ultimate success. 22°....Astrological area (22°-28°). 22°17' 8°37'N (3) Sadalsund, Beta Aquarii. (Saturn Mercury - Sun sextile Uranus)Trouble, disgrace. 22°25' 2°35'S (3) Deneb Algedi, Delta Capricorni. (Saturn Jupiter) Sorrow and joy, life and death, always hanging in the balance. 23°....Benevolence. 25°....Alcoholism.
Prorogator. The planet or place that exercises an influence over the life and death of the native v. Hyleg
Androgyne, n., androgynous, a.
Hermaphroditic; having characteristics of both sexes. Said of the planet Mercury, which is both dry and moist.
Astronomy, Delineation, Glossary
Any one of the four cardinal points in a Figure, or map, of the heavens; variously referring to the Zenith, or South Vertical; the Nadir, or North Vertical; and the East and West horizons: the cusps of the Tenth, Fourth, First and Seventh Houses, or the Medium Coeli, Immum Coeli, Oriens (Ascendant) and Occidens (Descendant) of a Solar or, indeed, of any Celestial Figure. Usually identified as the Southern, Northern, Eatern and Western angles. They are the most powerful and important arcs in Astrology. Planets therein become immensely potent for good or ill, according to the nature of the planets and their aspects. The term may refer to the shape and position of the House as placed on the square maps employed by the ancient astrologers. v. Map of the Heavens. Many depose that the Ascendant is the most powerful angle in any Figure, though Ptolemy gives preference to the Midheaven, or Zenith, since the celestial bodies are uniformly more potent in their effects at their meridian altitude than when rising.
said of a planet in an angle (q.v.) or in an angular House. The angular Houses bear a correspondence to the Cardinal Signs, and planets therein posited are materially strengthened, though whether beneficially or adversely depends upon the nature of the planet itself as also upon the nature of the aspects it receives from other planets in the Scheme.
Delineation, Glossary, Synastry
The unaccountable aversions and antagonisms people feel toward each other when positions in their Nativities are in conflict. Among the causes of such conflict are the luminaries in dissociate Signs, or in inharmonious aspect to one another; the Ascendants in opposition Signs; the Infortunes conjunct or in inharmonious aspect to the luminaries, or to each other, or in opposition from angular Houses. Sometimes loosely applied to planets seen in an inharmonious relationship through an adverse aspect, whereat they are considered to bear an anipathy to one another.
Disharmony of two bodies, usually planets, which rule or are exalted in opposite Signs. For example, Saturn ruling Capricorn has an antipathy for the Moon, ruling Cancer.
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