Glossary of Astrological Terms
Abscission or Frustration
When a planet is simultaneous forming an aspect to two other planets, the one that…
Anaretic Point (Place)
The degree occupied by the Anareta.
Androgyne, n., androgynous, a.
Hermaphroditic; having characteristics of both sexes. Said of the planet Mercury, which is both dry…
The angels which were associated with the different planets.
Any one of the four cardinal points in a Figure, or map, of the heavens;…
A ten-billionth of a metre. Employed as a unit for measuring the wave lengths of…
said of a planet in an angle (q.v.) or in an angular House. The angular…
Angular Velocity
The angle through which a planet sweeps in a unit of time. Technically, the daily…
The unaccountable aversions and antagonisms people feel toward each other when positions in their Nativities…
The angular distance of a planet from its perihelion or aphelion.
Disharmony of two bodies, usually planets, which rule or are exalted in opposite Signs. For…
As modernly used in the so-called Uranian Astrology, it is the reflex position of a…
An older term descriptive of retrograde motion.
The Water Bearer. The eleventh sign of the zodiac. Its symbol represents a stream of…
Arabian Points, or Parts
Of the so-called Arabian Points, Fortuna, or the Part of Fortune, is the best known…
A portion or segment of a curved line, such as a circle, or ellipse. Hence…
Arc of Vision
The least distance from the Sun at which a planet is visible when the Sun…
The Greek god of War and Pestilence: Son of Zeus and Hera, consort of Aphrodite….
The first sign of the zodiac. The ram. It is mentioned by Aratus, in the…
Armillary Sphere
A skeleton sphere suggested by concentric rings which represent the relative positions of the celestial…
The degree of the Zodiac which appeared on the eastern horizon at the moment for…
A term loosely applied to any planet on the eastward side of the line between…
Ascending Latitude
The increasing latitude of a planet moving toward the north pole of the Ecliptic.
The vertical rising of a planet above the Ecliptic, equator or horizon. Right Ascension, the…