Glossary of Astrological Terms
Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights
Scientists associate the phenomena with unusual sun-spot activity, and astronomers are working on the theory…
Axial Rotation
The diurnal motion of the Earth around its axis; also similar motion on the part…
Axis, Inclination of.
The equators of rotating bodies appear never to parallel their orbits. Hence there is an…
Said of a planet posited in certain weak or lame degrees or arc which, if…
A point of the horizon and a circle extending to it from the zenith; or…
Biquintile (144°).
Biquintile (144°).
A planet within 0° 17′ of the Sun’s longitude is said to be “in the…
Said of a planet closer than 5° to the Sun. It introduces factors that considerably…
This is classified as a constructive influence, though much depends on the nature of the…
Declination, Parallel of
This is the same phenomenon as a Parallel of Latitude, except that longitudinal position is…
Inconjunct, Dissociate
These are terms sometimes applied to the Semisextile and the Quincunx aspects, as indicative that…
Latitude, Paralells of.
Latitude is measured in degrees of arc N. or S. of the Ecliptic. It is…
Mundane, Parallel
This has to do with a similarity of relationship between two plaents on opposite sides…
Opposition (180°)
Proper interpretation must give consideration to the psychological stimulus resulting from whatever planetary influences are…
The same nature as a conjunction. Since it is usually coincident with a conjunction it…
Quincunx (150°)
The inversion of a Semi-Sextile. Ptolemy called it inconjunct, practically rejecting it as an aspect…
A Group of aspects, introduced by Kepler, based on a division of one-fifth of the…
Quintile (72°)
A mildly benefic aspect, but ineffectual when directed to malefic.
Semi-Decile (18°)
Harmonious, but weak
Semi-Quintile or Decile (36°)
Kepler deemed it a good influence, but mild.
Semi-Sextile (30°)
An aspect of mixed quality, rhythmically favorable but involving planets in inharmonious signs.
Semi-Square or Semi-Quartile (45°)
Generally termed a malefic aspect; somewhat mitigated, in case the aspecting planet is a benefic.
Sesquiquadrate (135°)
Inversion of a Semi-square, and deemed equally unfortunate but less powerful.
Sextile, Hexagon (60°).
A favoring aspect, involving planets in congenial signs of the same polarity (q.v.). Alan Leo…
Square. Quartile (90°).
Generally deemed unfavorable, since it represents the struggle of two forces at cross-purposes. It imposes…