Latitude, Paralells of.
Latitude is measured in degrees of arc N. or S. of the Ecliptic. It is reasonable to assume that planets conjoined in latitude as well as longitude will impart a stronger accent than when at different distances above the ecliptic. The Zodiacal Parallel is a latitudinal aspect. Older authorities considered a Parallel effective between one planet in North and another in South Latitude, but modern authorities largely agree that both bodies must be on the same side of the Ecliptic. Within orbs of 1° it is a powerful influence, greatly intensifying the effect of a conjunction. On rare occasions, when planets are close to their nodes of intersection with the ecliptic, a parallel may result in an eclipse between planets. The eclipse of a planet by the Moon is of more frequent occurrence, and is termed an Occultation (q.v.).
DeVore, Nicholas. Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: Philosophical Library, 1947.