Mundane, Parallel
This has to do with a similarity of relationship between two plaents on opposite sides of, and the same distance, measured, along the Equator, from any one of the four angles of the horosccope. Mundane parallels bear no analogy to zodiacal parallels. A Rapt Paralle is a mundane parallel by direction, formed after birth, as a result of the Earth’s rotation (axial), whereby the places of the plaanets are carried from East to West to the point where the two planets are equidistant from, and on opposite sides of the same angle. Another variety of mundane parallel by direction, is that formed when one planet advances to the same distance from an angle as that held by another planet at birth. These parallels are the invention of Placidus de Titus who held them in high esteem. Yet it appears that time tempered his judgment, for in his collection of Nativities, he frequently employs zodiacal directions as taught by Ptolemy.
DeVore, Nicholas. Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: Philosophical Library, 1947.