Tag: Aspects,Astronomy,Mind of Lilith

  • Latitude, Paralells of.

    Latitude is measured in degrees of arc N. or S. of the Ecliptic. It is reasonable to assume that planets conjoined in latitude as well as longitude will impart a stronger accent than when at different distances above the ecliptic. The Zodiacal Parallel is a latitudinal aspect. Older authorities considered a Parallel effective between one planet in North and another in South Latitude, but modern authorities largely agree that both bodies must be on the same side of the Ecliptic. Within orbs of 1° it is a powerful influence, greatly intensifying the effect of a conjunction. On rare occasions, when planets are close to their nodes of intersection with the ecliptic, a parallel may result in an eclipse between planets. The eclipse of a planet by the Moon is of more frequent occurrence, and is termed an Occultation (q.v.).

  • Declination, Parallel of

    This is the same phenomenon as a Parallel of Latitude, except that longitudinal position is measured along the Equator in terms of Right Ascension, while latitudinal position is computed in terms of declination, measured in degrees N. or S. of the Equator instead of along the Ecliptic.

  • Aspects, Mundane

    Mundane aspects are those reckoned along the Equator, and measured in subdivisions of the noctunal or diurnal semi-arc. For example: Any two planets that have a separation of two houses are in mundane Sextile; of four houses, in mundane Trine. Thus it is possible for two planets to be simultaneously in the mutual relationship of a mundane Trine and a zodiacal Square. Mundane aspects can be computed only on a map erected for a birth moment. They represent a computation of coincidental influences on a basis of time, in subdivisions of the Earth's period of rotation; instead of on a basis of degrees of arc, in subdivisions of the orbits of the bodies involved. Zodiacal Aspects, based on the degree of longitudinal separation along the ecliptic, are computed without reference to an hour of birth, and are the ones commonly employed in delineation. Because of the alternation of signs of long and short ascension throughout the daily rotation of the Earth, equal units of arc rise of the horizon of an individual on the Earth's periphery, in disproportionate units of time; and vice versa. This affords one explanation of the phenomenon of the Orbs in reference to Aspects, and suggests that consideration should be given to the seasons at which a wide zodiacal aspect may become an exact mundane aspect.

  • Mundane, Parallel

    This has to do with a similarity of relationship between two plaents on opposite sides of, and the same distance, measured, along the Equator, from any one of the four angles of the horosccope. Mundane parallels bear no analogy to zodiacal parallels. A Rapt Paralle is a mundane parallel by direction, formed after birth, as a result of the Earth's rotation (axial), whereby the places of the plaanets are carried from East to West to the point where the two planets are equidistant from, and on opposite sides of the same angle. Another variety of mundane parallel by direction, is that formed when one planet advances to the same distance from an angle as that held by another planet at birth. These parallels are the invention of Placidus de Titus who held them in high esteem. Yet it appears that time tempered his judgment, for in his collection of Nativities, he frequently employs zodiacal directions as taught by Ptolemy.

  • Appulse

    The near approach of one orbital body to another - a conjunction; the culmination at or crossing of the meridian. Applied particularly to the appulse of the Moon near to the Earth's shadow. v. Penumbral Eclipse.


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