Tag: Aspects,Delineation,Mind of Lilith
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
A chronological list of all aspects formed during a specified period. Most astrology magazines acrry an Aspectarian for the concurrent month; and one for the year is now usually appended to the Ephemeris.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Inconjunct, Dissociate
These are terms sometimes applied to the Semisextile and the Quincunx aspects, as indicative that no relationship can exist between adjacent signs and houses, or between those which are one sign or house less than an opposition.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Semi-Sextile (30°)
An aspect of mixed quality, rhythmically favorable but involving planets in inharmonious signs.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Semi-Quintile or Decile (36°)
Kepler deemed it a good influence, but mild.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Quintile (72°)
A mildly benefic aspect, but ineffectual when directed to malefic.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Opposition (180°)
Proper interpretation must give consideration to the psychological stimulus resulting from whatever planetary influences are then in operation, from a sign and through a house.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Quincunx (150°)
The inversion of a Semi-Sextile. Ptolemy called it inconjunct, practically rejecting it as an aspect of appreciable force. Modern statistics appear to indicate, however, that it has unrealized possibilities. It is presumed to be mildly favorable, but as it operates through inharmonious signs the resulting influence must be somewhat contradictory.
Aspects, Delineation, Glossary
Sesquiquadrate (135°)
Inversion of a Semi-square, and deemed equally unfortunate but less powerful.
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