Tag: Delineation,Astronomy,Mind of Lilith

  • Arabian Points, or Parts

    Of the so-called Arabian Points, Fortuna, or the Part of Fortune, is the best known to modern astrologers, although its full significance is not generally realized. These Points tend to show that the Arabians understood the value of the Solar Houses -- those based upon the Sun's degree as the Ascendant, thence erecting twelve Houses consisting of successive thirty degree arcs. If any Figure be revolved to the point where the Sun's degree is on the Ascendant the Moon's position will coincide with the geocentric House position of Fortune; Mercury to the Point of Commerce; Venus to the Point of Love; and so on. Instead of revolving the Figure the Arabians gave rules whereby these planetary House-positions could be inserted in a Figure based on a birth-moment. Thus the Scheme showed each planet in two House-positions: one based on its relation to a rising degree, the other on its relation to the Sun itself. Naturally the rules for computing these locations infer a knowledge of the correct birth-moment. However, it is incorrect to assume that these points cannot be utilized when the birth-moment is unknown. On the contrary, a Figure erected with Aries 0° as an Ascendant can be more comprehensively interpreted by the use of most of the Arabian Points than in perhaps any other way. The so-called Solar Equilibrium system is entirely based upon the Arabian concepts. 

  • Anaretic Point (Place)

    The degree occupied by the Anareta.


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