Tag: Occultism,Mind of Lilith

  • Astral Body

    In occult terminology a replica of the physical body, but more subtle and tenuous. It penetrates every nerve, fibre and cell of the physical organism and is constantly in a supersensitive state of oscillation and pulsation. The psychic faculty within the astral body is impressionable to extra-sensory vibrations. The astrological concept is that of a magnetic field wherein the individual does most of his thinking, and from which he draws impressions by way of interpreting changes in the field due to cosmic radiation.

  • Astral Light

    In occult terminology, the invisible region that surrounds the Earth, perceived by those who are psychically developed. Within its realm is recorded every condition, event or circumstance - past, present and future. It is called the "great terrestrial crucible," in which everything is resolved and perpetuated. The psychically gifted behold there, in panoramic detail, the histories of nations and individuals, and are able to reveal coming events by what they see mirrored on the astral screen. It has been spoken of as the Mercury of Nature.

  • Astral projection

    In occult terminology, the partial or complete separation of the astral body from the physical body, and visiting another locality, near or far. This occurs in sleep - though, as a general rule, one does not recall the experience on waking. The adept can command his astral body to go any place he desires in order to make observations and investigations, and acquire essential information. Some dreams are the result of such travel episodes. 

  • Astronomos

    The title given by the priests to the Initiate in the seventh degree of the reception of the mysteries in the Initiation at Thebes in Egypt.

  • Aura

    In occult terminology, a pyschic effluvium that emanates from human and animal bodies and inanimate objects. It is composed of electro-vital and electro-mental magnetism; an envelope surrounding that of which it partakes - visible only to the psychic. The aura is multicolored and brilliant, or dull, according to the character or quality of the person or thing. To the seer, the aura of a person is an index to his hidden propensities. 


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